Yes! I would like to make a payment on my pledge for the 
Bishop's Annual Appeal for Ministries

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Stewardship & Development at (615) 760-2763 or email Patrick Held. Thank you!

Your support of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Ministries provides spiritual nourishment, faith formation opportunities and meets the daily needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Together, we are: 

Building Our Community while fostering unity through faith
Growing in Faith as we form today's and tomorrow's Catholic faithful
Answering God's Call by seeking and living out one's purpose
Serving with Love to empower lives with love through service, guidance and opportunity

Thank you for your generosity! Your hope and compassion inspire our shared mission and strengthen our ministries. 

PLEASE NOTE - this payment form is for BAAM gifts only. If you would like to make a payment on your Legacy Campaign pledge, please click this link and you can make your capital campaign payment.